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Review paper


Almira Isić
Almira Isić
Contact Almira Isić

Islamic pedagogical faculty in Zenica,


This scientific paper presents the research of canonical relation between dimensions of religiosity and marital quality. The research included 120 participants (60 Muslim heterosexual married couples, ranging in age from 30 to 55 years). Research instruments used were the Questionnaire on Religiosity and its influence upon daily life (Ćorić, 1998), the Questionnaire on Intrinsic/Extrinsic Religious Orientation (revision IES by Feagin, 1964 and revision AU, by Gorsuch and Venable, 1983), and the Dyadic Adjustment Scale (Spanier, 1976). Relation between religiosity and marital quality was investigated within the married couple as a unit, rather than in terms of gender, since it was determined with t-test that there is no difference of statistical significance between males and females. The results of canonical correlation analysis indicated that a mutual space of dimensions of religiosity and marital quality of Muslim couples was determined by two canonical pairs of factors. The first canonical pair of factors indicated that nonacceptance of general religiosity of spouses was in positive correlation to maladjustment and disagreements in marriage (i.e. dissatisfaction with marital relations due to common conflicts and tension in relations, unwillingness of partners to express their emotions, participate in mutual activities and reach consensus when dealing with various life dilemmas. Canonical correlation between the second pair of factors indicated that extrinsic religious orientation of Muslim married couples was in positive correlation to maladjustment and disagreements in marriage (i.e. unwillingness of partners to reach consensus when dealing with various life dilemmas, to participate in mutual activities, to express their emotions and marital dissatisfaction due to common conflicts and tension in relations). Keywords: religiosity dimensions, intrinsic and extrinsic religious orientation, marital quality, canonical correlation analysis


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