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Review paper

Through the prism of linguistic sign

Amina Pehlić
Amina Pehlić
Contact Amina Pehlić

Islamic pedagogical faculty in Zenica,


This paper shortly presents some observations on a sign in general in order to, through Saussure’s definition of linguistic sign as a synthesis of signifiant and signifié, draw attention to the importance of language, and recognize semiotic nature of some Qur’an ayats. Ideas and aconstic images like the units of linguistic sign are inseparable. Their relationship is automatic for they require each other. The processes af relating ideas and aconstic images and realting signs are the processes of thinking Language and mind form a unity. Some Qur’an verses can be related to the issues of sign. In those verses it is said tha Adem, s.a.w.a, was taught the names of things. After he had learned the names, he could relate ideas and aconstic images. That way he could identify and use them in the processes of thinking. Key words: sign, linguistic sign, notion, acoustic presentation, thinking


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