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Review paper


Šefik Kurdić
Šefik Kurdić
Contact Šefik Kurdić

Islamic pedagogical faculty in Zenica,


In the last few centuries, European colonialism replaced, neutralized, and minimized local political, social, economic, legal, and educational institutions in the Muslim world, and thus it, undoubtedly, became a chalenge for Islamic religion and culture. Exactly this new state produced reformers who tried to insure an Islamic basis for educational, legal and social reform in order to revitalize dormant and declined Muslim community. For most of those reformers renaissance of the Muslim community was the first step towards national independence or setting free from the despised oppression of colonializm, and a step towards renewing Muslim power and strength. They firmly believed that Islam is a source of strength and unity. Out of numerous reformatory movements, this paper presents three very numerous and important ones: Muhammad's b. 'Abdulwahhaba Movement, Senusijski and Muslim Brethren Movement. Their influence is present in many parts of the world today. This paper especially analyses their relationship to the Sunna, the second source of the Sharia law. Key words: selefije, senusije, Muslim Brethren, Muhammad b. Abdulwahhab, Ali as-Sanusi and Hasan al-Banna.


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