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Review paper

The competency passport in facilitating lifelong learning

Eldar Čerim
Eldar Čerim
Contact Eldar Čerim

Islamic pedagogical faculty in Zenica,


A shift from a paradigm focused on content and a teacher as a transmitter of that content, to a paradigm focused on learning outcomes or competence, has been conditioned by a change in considering humans as active participants in their own life, for which the efforts of psychology in presenting self-regulation as a mechanism of assuming an active role in one’s own life are significant (Bandura, 1991). The principles of this paradigm are noticeable in many other considerations, e.g., in sociology - biography of life courses/outcomes, in humanities and helping professions - orientation towards providing support with the aim of self-help. It is precisely the Competency Passport as a tool in counseling work that seeks to identify individual competencies, but not only those acquired through formal education, but we can say overall competencies acquired in one’s life constellations. By a theoretical analysis and synthesis, this paper aims to offer a framework for a well-founded role of social pedagogues as lifelong learning facilitators in socio-pedagogical interventions through the perspective of the Competency Passport. Keywords: competency passport, social pedagogues as lifelong learning facilitators


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