Traditional practice at schools has ceased to be the primary source of acquiring knowledge for some time now. These days, teaching staff is dealing with a population of students that cannot be integrated into the teaching process in a traditional way. Students see teaching requirements and teachers’ efforts as old-fashioned, difficult and dull. Teachers are having more and more difficulties in engaging students upon teaching process that has been losing its pace with modernization, changes in environment and new standards and values. Teaching and learning have become hard for both students and teachers. The aim of this paper is to offer an alternative, a simpler approach to teaching process and the ways of teaching. This is possible with neuro-didactical methods or methods based on biological basis of learning. Forms of manifestation of these ¨biological¨ methods of learning and teaching: super-learning, neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), and edukinestetics. The results of research have shown that descriptive concepts not only offer a new language but also a practice for learning accompanied by body work. That way the process of acquiring new knowledge and skills is easier. Exactly this makes effects of physiological concept of learning the main topic of this paper.
Key words: Neuro-didactical methods, neuro-linguistic programming, edukinestetics, learning, teaching, brain maps, brain games, Brain Gym, body-based restructuring of perception.
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