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Review paper


Esmir Halilović
Esmir Halilović
Contact Esmir Halilović

Islamic pedagogical faculty in Zenica,


This paper treats the racial issue, which is present in an entire human history, and contributes to Islamic teachings overcoming and solving this issue. This important topic is present in the primary Islamic sources: the Qur’an and Sunnah, but also in the sira of Prophet, s.a.w.s. and biographies of companions ... Companions of the Prophet, s.a.w.s., were of different nationalities and races. During that time, their true brotherhood, commitment and helping each other was a revolutionary idea for which is hard to find examples in an entire human history. Therefore, this paper examines the basic instructions and advice of Qur’anic and sunnah texts, as well as their implementation by the early Muslims. The paper proves that Islam brought the true solution to racial issues and that in the in Islamic doctrines and Islamic orthopraxy there is no basis for any conflict that may arise from race, nation, etc. This can be felt in all Islamic norms, and the holy places of Islam, where all races and nations are met together, fully committed to the Divine Creator, who is One, like they all are, in fact, only a manifestation of a unique humanity.


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