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Review paper

Ahl-sunna methodology of the study of aquida issues

Zuhdija Adilović
Zuhdija Adilović
Contact Zuhdija Adilović

Islamic pedagogical faculty in Zenica,


Ahl-sunna has a specific and recognizable method as well as rules it applies to studying shariah issues in general, and especially to aquida themes that distinguish it from various sects and factions. However, today the method and rules that were clear to the members of ahl-sunna through generations are almost unknown. For that reason some of the rules are given in this paper. First rule: Qur’an and Sunna comprise all the foundations of the religion with their evidence and commentaries. Second rule: Derogation is unknown to Qur’an and religion. Third rule: In case of dissent consult Qur’an and Sunna. Fourth rule: Eliminating contradictions between ayats and sunna. These are some of the rules reflecting clearly defined methodology of studying Aquida themes at ahl-suuna wel-jama’at. We hope that this work, at least partially, shed some light upon this important issue. We also hope that in our following papers we will succeed in explaining the other rules.


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