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Review paper


Elvir Duranović


Although idolatry religion of pre-Islamic Arabs was directly opposite to absolute God's oneness, Islamic religion did not categorically deny pre-Islamic tradition. Depending on certain cusoms character, Islam accepted some of them, some were reformed and some were rejected or replaced. In this paper, by the method textual analysis of the Qur'an and Sunna, we analyze different examples of accepted, reformed and rejected practice of pre-Islamic Arabs. There are some examples of unacceptable rituals like worshiping idols, fortune-telling, belief in celestial bodies, killing female children and other idolatry customs, rituals and unjust social relations. Some reformed customs and rituals from the prevuois prophets have been analysed such as rituals related to Hajj and the prophets Ibrahim, a.s., and Ismail, a.s. There are also some examples of marital, hereditary and testamentary law. In the end, we analyze morally and socially useful practice of pre-Islamic Arabs accepted in Islam. Islam applied this pattern in dealing with different people and their traditions that became a part of Islamic tradition. Key words: Islam, pre-Islamic tradition, relation between Islam and pre-Islamic Arabs' tradition


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