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Review paper


Elvir Duranović
Elvir Duranović
Contact Elvir Duranović

Institut za islamsku tradiciju Bošnjaka,


Good Water near Foča is the first pilgrimage in the Calendar of Marking Special Dates and Events by the Takvim of the Rijaset of the Islamic Community in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The author of the current paper aims to explain all aspects of the Good Water Pilgrimage, from introducing constituent elements of the Pilgrimage and analyzing folk tales about it, to presenting the basic functions of the pilgrimage: ritual, healing and social. Good Water Pilgrimage is included in the pilgrimage calendar and is traditionally held on the first Tuesday after Jurjevo. Pilgrims visit three sites: Sheikh Murat and Sheikh Salih’s Turbe, Good Water spring and Kasim’s spring. In addition to its primary function, saying a prayer for God’s blessing, Good Water is widely known as a place of healing. In regard to this function the author presents the hypothesis about the pre-Islamic origin of this pilgrimage, comparing it to the other healing springs.


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