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Review paper

Some non-standard linguistic occurrences in students’ speech

Amina Pehlić
Amina Pehlić
Contact Amina Pehlić

Islamic pedagogical faculty in Zenica,


The aim of this study was to investigate often used non-standard linguistic occurrences in students’ speech, in order to foster language culture. The methods used were methods of observation of situations and methods of linguistic analysis of students’ papers. The sample were students of Islamic Pedagogical Faculty of the University in Zenica who have regularly attended classes of the courses Bosnian Language Norm, Bosnian Language and Methodology of Speech Communication I and II in the academic 2011/2012 year. The results showed the presence of a large number of non-standard linguistic occurrences, and in this paper only the following were mentioned: moving vowel articulation; non-standard use of the enclitic is, infinitive, aorist, case of some nouns; and compression and reduction of vowels. Since an exhaustive analysis was not the aim, they were not analyzed separately by linguistic levels. Keywords: standard language, spoken language (speech), non-standard linguistic occurrences, standardization


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