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Senija Tahirović
Senija Tahirović
Contact Senija Tahirović

Islamic pedagogical faculty in Zenica,


Play is not only an enjoyable activity with which a child fills his/her free time, but it presents a very imprtant factor in promoting the psychological development of children. Playing, children learn about the world in which they live as well as about their own positon in it. Play encourages the physical, cognitive, socio-emotional and moral development of children. Relying on the research results we want to point to the changes in the way children grow up, which, inter alia, contribute to the apparent reduction of time children spend involved in play like in a free, spontaneous, creative activity together with their peers due to the time they spend at a computer in an individual activity being led by the modern media. Our objective is to raise parents’ and professionals’ awareness about the importance of play in promoting the psychosocial develeopment of children and about the possible risks to the psychological development of children if play keeps being disregarded. Play should be an important part of growing up since through it children are more likely to grow up into psychologically stable persons and valuable society members. Play is not a waste of time, but a long-term investement in children’s academic and life success.


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