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Review paper


Amrudin Hajrić
Amrudin Hajrić
Contact Amrudin Hajrić

Univerzitet u Sarajevu, Fakultet islamskih nauka,


This paper is devoted to the process of translation and some of its aspects, such as the key factors involved in the process as well as its different dimensions and perspectives. When translating, the preference is usually given to only one of the factors involved in the translation process, which eventually determines the mode of translation as well as the type of eventual translation. Although many tend to criticize some of the types and kinds of translation, different approaches to translation might be justified by different communicative purposes and needs and also by the fact that different groups of readers have different requirements regarding translation. Trying to describe the nature of translation, scholars offer a number of diverse theories and definitions, some of which will be mentioned in the present paper pointing out the fact that each of them, in some way, might be related to one of the aforementioned types and kinds of translation.


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