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Review paper

The function of pause symbols in mushafs

Mensur Malkić
Mensur Malkić
Contact Mensur Malkić

JU Gazi Husrev-begova medresa u Sarajevu,


In our homeland, Bosnia and Herzegovina, there are different versions of Mushaf characterized by certain differences in the use of orthographic, tajweed as well as pause signs and symbols, i.e., diacritical marks. In this paper we will present the meaning and function of pause symbols in the Mushafs of the Medinan and Istanbul orthographic versions, which are widely used in our area, and to emphasize the importance of knowing and understanding their function as well as applying the corresponding rules, and to compare the pause symbols in the same verses of the Medinan and Istanbul orthographic versions. Keywords: Mushaf, pausal and initial forms, contextual forms, pause symbols, diacritical marks, tajweed.


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