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Mensur Valjevac ,
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Islamski pedagoški fakultet u Zenici,

Mina Valjevac
Mina Valjevac

Islamski pedagoški fakultet u Zenici,


Tesawwuf is an authentic Islamic science like fiqh, tafsir, hadith, and similar. Tasawwuf is not mysticism, nor philosophy, but the essence of Islamic spirituality. Gnosis and education are its two main determinants, so it is embedded in the core of the Islamic concept of education. This was confirmed by Gazi-Husrev bey, a founder of high religious education in our region, who just next to his Madrasah built the Hanikah School for Spiritual Education, the attendance of which was an integral part of education in that time. The Islamic community and its educational institutions have an overwhelming need for the reintroduction and revitalization of the subject of tesawwuf in curricula, as a modern method of spiritual education.


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