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Safvet Halilović
Safvet Halilović
Contact Safvet Halilović

Islamic pedagogical faculty in Zenica,


Imam as-Suyuti Džalaluddin (-911 .... hg-1445-1505) was a distinguished Muslim scholar and writer who wrote about most diverse range of topics and issues from all areas of Islam. Especially important are his works in the field of hadith, taffsir, fiqh, Arabic grammar and history. In each of these areas he wrote several works which, because of their well-foundedness, style and systematic quality, became primary literature for all those who explore these disciplines. In fact, Džalaluddin as-Suyuti is a true encyclopedia of Islamic sciences. His authority and scientific dignity cross the boundaries of time and place he lived in. As-Suyuty`s works had a great influence on the following generations. Today their influence is evident all over the world. It is inconceivable for a person with a serious interest in taffsir to neglect As-Suyuty`s capital work Al-Itqan fi 'Ulum al-Quran'an considering the fact that it is best-known work in the field of what is expertly called Ulum al-Qur'an (Quranic discipline) in which he systematized and elaborated all that is necessary for proper understanding of the Qur'an and its valid interpretation. Systematic quality, precision, uniqueness of style, critical quality and uttmost scientific argumentation – are general characteristics and features of As-Suyuty`s literary work. Certainly, it reflected on the following generations, and consequently the works of this great scolar remained a relevant and unavoidable resource for all serious books and studies about Islam, Islamic thought, culture, history and tradition. It is evident that even today, five hundred years after As-Suyuty`s death, Cairo, Alexandria, Damascus, Algerian, Moroccan and other libraries and bookstores across the Islamic world are full of books that this renowned Islamic scholar left behind. This fact testifies, in a striking manner, the significance and actuality of As-Suyuty`s works today, five centuries after his death. Key words: As-Suyuty / Džalaluddin / encyclopedist / genius / Al-Itqan fi 'Ulum al-Qur'an / Taffsir.


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