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Studying the relation of high-school youth value orientations to the way of spending their free time

Izet Pehlić
Izet Pehlić
Contact Izet Pehlić

Islamic pedagogical faculty in Zenica,


The interests and system of individual values is a special domain of human functioning which is mostly influenced by the closest social surrounding. Individuals regard different values with unequal importance and that way value hierarchy is formed. Due to cognitive development the value hierarchy is gradually changing during adolescence. Considering the fact that useful spending of one’s free time has a great influence on an individual’s personality development, his cognitive and will structures and for successful functioning, this paper presents a scientific-research attempt to study the existence of some relation between value orientations and the way s of spending free time. The choice of a research issue is motivated by aspiration for closer insight that would enable greater comprehension, explanation and guiding of educational processes in a contemporary school. 300 high-school students from five Federation towns (Zenica, Travnik, Kakanj, Visoko I Zavidovići) were the respondents. Statistically important relation between high-school student value orientation and both positive and negative spending of free time has been established.


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