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Verbal values of arabic deverbal nouns

Mejra Softić
Mejra Softić
Contact Mejra Softić

Islamic pedagogical faculty in Zenica,


The possibility to be realized verbal functions using some defined verbal nouns is considered to be specific morphological and sintax appearance in arabic language. All deverbal nouns – infinitives, participles, adjectives and noun of preeminence – have, in some different degree, functions like that. The participles are separated as nouns by the most remarkable verbal value degree. In order to be kept verbal functions using those deverbal nouns by the presence of verbal governing other sintax elements – subject and object – some specific context conditions must be followed. In essence, they are in efect for each of those verbal nouns. More important condition for sintax mean is to stay unchanged when deverbal nouns be replaced by active verbal form. From the formal point of view, such verbal nouns can stand undefined and defined by article or annexation. The forms like these include temporal verbal values also.


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