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Review paper

Classes appraoch to qira’at in Ibn Kesir’s tafsir

Dževad Šošić
Dževad Šošić
Contact Dževad Šošić

Fakultet islamskih nauka Univerziteta u Sarajevu,


This paper discusses Ibn Kesir’s approach to Qira’at in Tafsir al-Qur’an al-Azim. In addition to the author’s biography in the introductory part, we emphasized the scientific significance of Ibn Kesir’s Tafsir, the status it has among classical tafsir works, as well as its presence in the local tradition of interpreting the Qur’an. In the main part of the paper, Ibn Kesir’s concept of recording Qira’at is displayed, the reasons for their citing are explained as well as the terms used while classifying Qira’at, and his critical stances towards specific Qira’at forms are presented. Moreover, we shed light on the author’s concept of spelling and semantic delimitation of Qira’at, and on the identification of Qira’at tradition with respect to the authorities who popularized them starting from the age of the Companions until the appearance of the first written works in this field. Keywords: the Qur’an, tafsir, Qira’at, interpretation, Ibn Kesir, imams, ravi, mushaf.


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