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Review paper


Zuhdija Adilović
Zuhdija Adilović
Contact Zuhdija Adilović

Islamic pedagogical faculty in Zenica,


The role and significance of honourable companions in spreading Islam is great and significant. That is exactly why they have had a special place for all generations of Muslims. From the very arrival of Islam to this area, Muslims have showed great respect for the most honourable and chosen generation of Muslims. I have supported that relation towards honourable companions with Qur’anic verses and authentical hadiths of the Prophet (s.a.w.s.), with the aim for that practice of respect to last and to dismiss attempts of some fractions and sects to shatter that attitude. One of important issues which is very common today is a relation of companions towards Ahl al-Bayt and vice versa. This paper is an attempt to present their true relation. The relation was based on Islamic brotherhood and on special respect for the family and descendents of the Prophet (s.a.w.s.). That is clearly seen in Qur’anic verses and numerous hadiths. Also, I have mentioned historical facts that confirm a proper relationship of companions towards Ahl al-Bayt and vice versa, like having the same names and similar to that. I hope that this humble paper will be a contribution to affirmation of culture of Ahl al-Bayt and companions that Muslims greatly need today in order to put aside many disagreements and misunderstandings which result in disunity and weakening of the Muslim ummah. Keywords: companions, Ahl al-Bayt, human relations, the Qur’an, hadith


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