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Review paper


Muamer Neimarlija
Muamer Neimarlija
Contact Muamer Neimarlija

Islamic pedagogical faculty in Zenica,


Proportions, intensity and diversity of dimensions of the current global crisis oblige every individual to contribute to determine its causes in accordance with his own intellectual engagement. This paper attempts to determine micro factors that influence initiation and orientation of human behaviour as a fundamental catalyst of the crisis. In that effort, (in)formative ambivalence of constitutive elements of the Qur’anic heart-deed bond is identified as its least common denominator. The heart, as a psychosomatic source of an attitude is superior to an emotional, cognitive and volitional element. Thus, the heart generates and directs behaviour. Human acts in return influence the heart formatively by sending return information. Positive mental processes activate good deeds, and negative ones activate bad acts, accelerants of the crisis. In addition to the Qur’anic and hadith texts, referential findings of cardio-neurology are offered. Cardio-neurological findings correspond to traditional deliberations of Islamic scholars about functional interconnectedness of the human heart (qalb) and intelligence ('aql), as a regulator of proper behaviour. Therefore, education of leaders that will posses 'aql is seen as a primary task of preparing and realization of an effective model for getting out of the crisis. Keywords: the Qur’an, heart, mental processes, attitude, act


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