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Review paper


Mnesur Valjevac
Mnesur Valjevac
Contact Mnesur Valjevac

Islamic pedagogical faculty in Zenica,


A good translation from one language into another is one of the most difficult intellectual as well as scientific challenges. With the development of language as a living tissue of every ethnic and cultural community there comes a need for occasional review, correction, addition and improvement of existing translations. In this paper, we deal with the translation of some phrases and terms from Arabic into Bosnian. Those translations appeared in some first serious works like the translation of the Qur’an and they remained ¨frozen¨ until these days. First comes the translation of Bismilla with the phrase "in the name of God" which can hardly be justified either from linguistic or Islamic point of view. In this paper, we try to open some questions and challenge our Arabic scholars and theologians. Key words: Bismilla, takva-luk, formulated translations, Taffsir, ta'bir, te'vil.


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