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Safvet Halilović
Safvet Halilović
Contact Safvet Halilović

Islamic pedagogical faculty in Zenica,


Imam Abu Bakr ar Razi al-Jassas is one of the prominent Islamic scholars. He is the author of numerous works, most famous of which is his tafsir Ahkam al-Qur'an (the Qur'an Regulations), in which he commented the Holy Qur'an with special reference to the revelations concerning regulations (Ayat al-Ahkam), according to the methodology of the Hanafi School of law (al-madhhab al-Hanafi). This work is considered to be the only complete Tafsir of its kind to have survived in the Hanafi madhhab. Imam Al-Jassas has gone far ahead of the times in which he lived by his scientific reputation and the proof of that is that his works, even in this age, more than a thousand years after his death, are considered extremely important literature in several Islamic scientific disciplines, particularly in the field of the Qur'anic exegesis ('Ilm at-Tafsir), sharia law (al-fiqh) and its methodology (usul al-fiqh). Especially important merits of this scholar belong to the domain of preservation and affirmation of the Hanafi School of law, which has the greatest number of members among Muslims in the world today. The Muslims of Bosnia and Herzegovina and other Balkan regions are also followers of the Hanafi and therefore it is very important to get to know this great man and his tafsir, the commentary of the Qur'an. This paper examines Al-Jassas' attitude towards sectarian interpretations of the Qur'an. In his capital tefsir work Ahkam al-Qur'an, the scholar provided comprehensive answers and through a thorough scientific analysis proved that the sectarian approaches to the Qur'an were completely wrong, because they were actually misconceptions and perversions that were spread by the enemies of Islam with the aim of keeping the propaganda against this honourable faith. In addition, Imam Al-Jassas points out that Muslim Ulama must not remain silent in front of the fallacies spread by the protagonists of sectarian teachings, given that the ulama's silence helps the spread of these misconceptions and strengthening of sectarian teachings, and it can do great harm to Islam and Muslims. Some of the sects for which he has provided answers are present in the world today, and it is evident that these sects spread their propaganda in our region as well. The paper pointed out that any sectarian activity in this region, after a half-millennium existence of Islam based on the principles of Ahl Sunnah wal-Jamaat, can cause confusion and create disorder among the Muslims of the region, and is therefore unacceptable. The answers provided by this eminent Islamic scholar are a good example for Muslim intellectuals and ulama in terms of opposing sectarian approach to the interpretation of the Qur'an. Keywords: Al-Jassas, sect, an interpretation of the Qur'an, Qadarians, Jabarians, Kharijites, Mushabbihas, Shia's


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