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Safet Husejnović
Safet Husejnović
Contact Safet Husejnović

Islamski pedagoški fakultet u Zenici,


Islam emphasizes the importance of marriage which is a prerequisite for forming a healthy family which, then, presents the foundation, the pillar, the basis of every society. Thus, marriage has a special place in Islam. However, it can also be exposed to various challenges and temptations which, ultimately, can disrupt relationships within the marriage. Unfortunately, we live in an age when divorces are becoming more and more common. Of particular concern is the attitude of believers towards divorce regulations. There are numerous men and women who, after marital disagreements, disregard the Shariah law and do injustice to both the spouse and the children. Qira'ats, as a published component of the Qur'anic text, played an important role in the theoretical specification of the Shariah norms contained in the text of the Qur'an. Also, they had a great influence on the establishment of methodological and legal principles by which they were derived. Although they differ in form, qira'ats are essentially tightly connected, which indicates their unique source and origin. Without contradiction and exclusivity, qira'ats support, clarify and interpret one another, which can be of great importance, especially for commentators on the Qur'an and Islamic jurists who derive specific Shariah regulations from them. This is an attempt to acquaint readers with this aspect of the interpretation of the Qur'anic text and the understanding of the God's messages by briefly reviewing the 233rd ayat of Surah Al-Baqarah and the qira'at versions applied in its teaching.


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