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Review paper

Hifz – learning the qur'an by heart in the educational institutions of the Islamic community in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Maid Ibrahimović ,
Safet Husejnović
Safet Husejnović

Islamic pedagogical faculty in Zenica,


Allah honored people with the Revelation and it is a great blessing for them. Reading the Qur'an by looking at it and memorizing it, as well as thinking about its meanings, are among the most valuable things that a religious person can do during life. The aim of this paper is to present hifz classes at Islamic faculties, madrasahs, and in student dormitories. It also attempts to point out the important role of the Islamic community in promoting the study and memorization of the Qur'an. Moreover, it deals with the analysis of the hard work on revitalizing the memorization (hifz) of the Qur'an in the educational institutions of the Islamic community, as well as with defining the relationship to the hifz, i.e., learning the Qur'an by heart. The establishment of hifz classes within educational institutions of the Islamic community in Bosnia and Herzegovina and beyond contributed to the development and promotion of the Qur’an memorization. The work of all classes for learning the Qur'an by heart (hifz) was analyzed and reviewed, and then reasons for their work were given, while former results as well numerous other things closely related to their work were also considered. We tried to provide an adequate and as complete as possible overview of the hifz classes in our region. Keywords: the Qur'an, hifz, classes, madrasah, faculty, education.


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