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Review paper

Expanted understanding of method in islamic education

Edina Vejo
Edina Vejo
Contact Edina Vejo

Islamic pedagogical faculty in Zenica,


The text discuses the notion of method in Islamic education.It offers broader understanding of the method based on the existence of implicational relation between decisions regarding method and content in the education. Scientific intervention in the area of content is represented through two complemental approaches. The first is from the position of pedagogical management.In this approach the strategy of planning in the area of Islamic education placed in the context of macro-management is questioned. The second approach is reformulation of contents. It rests on the need of surprassing of their reduction and introduction of contents more sensitive to the intellectual Islamic tradition. In that way the possibility of improvement of methodical decisions in Islamic education would be opened. This possibility is limited at the moment by the nature of contents that are presented. Wider implication of such interventions is manifested in more radical establishment of science in our education. The education here is sensitive because of the intellectual and spiritual background secured by Islam.


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