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Sedad Dizdarević
Sedad Dizdarević
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Islamic pedagogical faculty in Zenica,


Since Ilhamija is one of the most influential personalities of Bosnian culture at the end of Otoman period learning his intelectual and spiritual exertion becomes necessary in order to better undertand his importance for total social and cultural flow in Bosnia and Herzegovina at that time. Applying the deconstructional method of text analysis, Ilhamija's most important works were analyzed. Through this analysis the author tried to distinguish the most characteristic lines of force of his intelectual and spiritual background. As a rezult of this analysis comes a conclusion that Ilhamija was mostla a mystic, imbued by religious and gnostic zeal, who recognized his mission in raising his compatriots' consciousness and enlightening them. His intelectual background is strongly marked by mystic spirituality where transcedental love and yearning for closness to God prevails. Moral, asceticism and prayer are the substance material of his inner spiritual being, and enligtenment zeal, rebelliousness and social activity are the basic thread of his outter being. Key words: Abdulvehhab Ilhamija, History, Literature, Tesavvuf, Enlightenment


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