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Review paper


Ibnel Ramić


The official penetration of some elements of Romanticism in Bosniak literature happened during the eighties of the 19th century, following the Austro- Hungarian occupation and the period of so-called deaf era in Bosniak literary creation. However, it would be wrong to conclude that the contribution of Bosniak tradition to the corpus of oral literature of South Slavic people might be analyzed only since the end of the 19th century. Actually, the Bosniak tradition has presented an indispensable part of the oral literary movements in the South Slavic area since it started being recorded, regardless of the fact that Bosniaks, as an Islamized Slavic ethnic group, were spiritually and culturally isolated from the Western European,basically Christian, cultural world during a few centuries of Ottoman rule over Bosnia. The current paper shows that it is not only thatBosniak oral literature, and with it Bosniak literature in general, existed in Ottoman period, but it also played an important role in the literary currents of the South Slavic folkloric Romanticism, thus making a contribution of Bosniak literature to the South Slavic inter-literary community significant.


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