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Review paper


Dževdet Šošić
Dževdet Šošić
Contact Dževdet Šošić

Fakultet islamskih nauka u Sarajevu,


The status of qira'ats in relation to the integral Qur'anic text has been the subject of disagreement among Islamic scholars. Some have identified qira'ats with the Qur'an, some have made a distinction between these two terms, whereas some have seen in them the relationship between a part and the whole. Various views on the emergence and role of qira'ats in the tradition of the reading of the Qur'an have affected different theoretical and practical approaches to this Qur'anic specificity. In this paper we attempted to present the most relevant approaches to the phenomenon of qira'ats, regardless of whether they are related to historical, legal, tafsir or linguistic context; the approaches reflecting the principles of Islamic teaching contained in the Qur'an and Sunnah, and which, as such, present valid guidelines to all those who speak or write about this topic.


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