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Insights into relevant scientific theoretical sources have indicated the existence of educational values of musical content, since it evokes emotions, and various emotions stimulate different thoughts, reactions and behavior. Furthermore, it has been concluded that music education presents an important part of overall esthetic and artistic educatio...

By Kristina Prkić-Palavra, Izet Pehlić

Qira’ats are not just strict, patterned forms of reading and writing of the Qur’anic text. On the contrary, qira’ats play an important role in studying the semantics of the Qur’an, its words and expressions. At the level of Islamic law, tafsir and qira’ats have played a decisive role in theoretical concretization of Shariah norms contained in the t...

By Safet Husejnović

The aim of this short essay is to present an attempt to redefine conceptual distinction between civic and ethnic nationalism through a Rogers Brubaker’s dissertation, as well as to extend and deepen the publics’ interest in this American author. Brubaker works as a sociology department head at the University of Los Angeles. He has written many book...

By Šaćir Filandra

01.12.2011. Review paper Biochemistry

The aim of this paper is to examine some aspects of perception of beauty in Islamic philosophy, especially the aspect related to the problem of cognition and being. There are different approaches of Islamic philosophers towards beauty. It depends on their aspect towards the issue of cognition and being which can be peripatetical, illuminationist or...

By Hasan Džilo

01.12.2015. Review paper Biochemistry

Since the time of the Last Revelation the first Muslims dedicated much attention to the correct recitation of the Qur’an. The Prophet of Allah, Muhammad, peace be upon him, personally used to send the Qur’an reciters to some provinces with the task to teach others the correct recitation of the Qur’an. With respect to this, tajweed is a scientific d...

By Safet Husejnović

01.12.2008. Review paper Biochemistry

A good translation from one language into another is one of the most difficult intellectual as well as scientific challenges. With the development of language as a living tissue of every ethnic and cultural community there comes a need for occasional review, correction, addition and improvement of existing translations. In this paper, we deal with ...

By Mnesur Valjevac

01.12.2021. Review paper Biochemistry
Osobenosti kodifikacije hadiske predaje

In addition to presenting the classic hadith scholars’ work on protecting the hadith material from insertions and modifications as well as presenting the developmental stages of the hadith science, this paper aims to represent some specificities of the hadith narrations such as the shortest sened (sulasijjat) by which the narration reached the most...

By Salih Indžić

01.12.2003. Review paper Biochemistry
Expanted understanding of method in islamic education

The text discuses the notion of method in Islamic education.It offers broader understanding of the method based on the existence of implicational relation between decisions regarding method and content in the education. Scientific intervention in the area of content is represented through two complemental approaches. The first is from the position ...

By Edina Vejo

The aim of the research was to make a socio-pedagogical description of the minors’ causal attributions for their own delinquent behavior, based on the attitudes expressed by juvenile delinquents. Moreover, the aim was to reveal whether there is a statistically significant correlation between internal and external factors of delinquent behavior. A ...

By Izet Pehlić, Jakub Hasić, Suad Orlić

01.12.2015. Review paper Biochemistry

Rethinking the Act of Being has been a central issue for Islamic philosophers. They have considered that the Act of Being is God, that it is another name for God. Supporting the metaphysics of the Act of Being, or the metaphysics of Essence, the Islamic philosophers have identified the Act of Being with reality or on the other hand Essence with rea...

By Hasan DŽilo

Journal of University of Zenica