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Hasan Kafi Pruščak is one of the greatest scholars coming from Bosnia and Herzegovina. He was educated in Prusac, Sarajevo and Istanbul. He served in several places as a kadi and muderris. He participated in a few crusades and battles. He wrote 20 works among which the most famous, the most rewritten and the most commented is the work under the tit...

By Esmir Halilović

01.12.2014. Review paper Biochemistry

Homesickness is a common feeling for most students, especially those who experience the separation from their own homes for the first time. It is known that some personality traits are associated with adjusting to the new situation, and when we talk about the separation from home and adapting to the new environment, we assume that one of the import...

By Anela Hasanagić, Seniha Busra Asici

A dome on the rock is the first monumental masterpiece of Islamic architecture in the Umayyad time. Like the Big Mosque in Damascus it was raised on different authentic elements of Syria and Mesopotamia and on the inspiration that once used to be suppressed, but which was released by Islam. This is the work of the mentality ruled by a cosmic feeli...

By Nusret Isanović

01.12.2017. Review paper Biochemistry

Language accompanies people in time and space, but also in all their social environments and professional activities, which affects the language and leads to its stratification based on all these grounds, since various environments impose different language varieties we use to communicate. The extent to which a language is stratified is conditioned...

By Amrudin Hajrić

Mehmed ef Handžić is considered to be one of the most prominent alims in the last century. Although he lived only 38 years (1906-1944) he wrote an imposing number of various works. He is one of the few, from the newer generation of Bosnian scholars that wrote original works in native language as well as in Arabic. He wrote works on Hadith, Aquida, ...

By Halil Mehtić

This paper presents a phenomenon of forms with the same root and their role in the Qur’anic text. The phenomenon is based on repetition of the same linguistic root in two or more words related on syntactic level. This linguistic appearance is a very important stylistic expression in the Qur’an with its numerous forms and features. The aim of the pa...

By Mithat Jugo

01.12.2018. Review paper Biochemistry

The practice of accurate pronunciation of the Qur'anic harf, lengths, idgams, etc., is certainly a matter of skill in tilavet, and there is no skill without systematic work and practice. The practical, sound-related aspect of reciting the Qur'an is only one segment of Tajweed, i.e. its artistic dimension. However, when we say 'ilm et-tajweed', we r...

By DŽevad Šošić

Numerous research studies have shown that teaching profession is one of those most susceptible to stress. In Bosnia and Herzegovina, there are also some additional aggravating circumstances which might be considered stress factors among teachers, primarily a low socio-economic status and forced adaptation to systematic school changes. Moreover, tea...

By Anela Hasanagić, Almira Isić-Imamović, Muharem Adilović

The aim of this paper is to contribute to the understanding of the theoretical construct of a social capital. The social capital is understood as one of the relevant prognostic constructs for the results of both transitional and integrational processes in our societies. Considering that the environment we live in is evident in the process of (re)ac...

By Edina Vejo, Nataša Mirolović-Vlah

01.12.2006. Review paper Biochemistry
Semiotic nature of islamic art

An art like Islamic, that emerges from the feelings of listening attentively to the persuasions of God’s signs all around present, from the ambiance of reading them, competent understanding and following, can be nothing but a sign. Like natural phenomena, which also are God’s ¨signs¨ or ¨symbols¨ in the world of images, the works of Islamic art do ...

By Nusret Isanović

Journal of University of Zenica