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The primary aim of the paper was to investigate the relationship between family attachment, communication and family religiosity on the one hand, and risky behaviors, on the other hand, which are grouped into three categories: apathy and absentmindedness, truancy and the consumption of psychoactive substances, and finally aggressive behavior. Two h...

By Alen Hasikić, Nataša Vlah

The passing of Dr. Teufik Muftic is an irretrievable loss, considering that he was the author of very valuable scholarly works in the field of study and understanding of Arabic. His prolific scholarly works are important for many fields, especially in the field of textbooks for the study of Arabic, writing of research works in Arabic and the gramma...

By Mehmed Kico

This paper presents the author’s ideas about a possibility of questioning consensus (ijmā’) of Islamic scholars, validity of those consensuses and authenticity of statements found in Islamic writings. In that sense, broad guidelines are presented at the end of the paper. Those guidelines can be of great help to contemporary Islamic scholars for bui...

By Šurkija Ramić

Islam emphasizes the importance of marriage which is a prerequisite for forming a healthy family which, then, presents the foundation, the pillar, the basis of every society. Thus, marriage has a special place in Islam. However, it can also be exposed to various challenges and temptations which, ultimately, can disrupt relationships within the marr...

By Safet Husejnović

01.12.2005. Review paper Biochemistry
Architecture as a space-enriching thought of islam

Together with calligraphy and arabesque architecture is considered the most authentic artistic form of Islam. It takes the central place in the hierarchy of its art. Islamic architecture as a special art of constructing and organizing area in a particular way conveys the spirit of “new” religion. It represents the development and numerous complexit...

By Nusret Isanović

Modern syntactical researches conducted by Arabs are under great influence of traditional grammar. That as a consequence has various methodological approaches to interpretation of a sentence, its definitions and classifications. Even though some classical Arabic grammarians make semantic distinction between terms ğumla and kelam, today they are per...

By Mejra Softić

One sign of the supernatural mission of the last Messenger of Allah’s (s) is the fact that he informed his Companions about everything that would take place before the Judgment Day, in the veracity of which many Muslims and non-Muslims have been convinced numerous times so far. The Qur’an talks indirectly, and the hadith unambiguously, about the ap...

By Mensur Valjevac

Novel Zaynab by Egyptian author Muḥammad Ḥusayn Haykal has become a subject of interest for Arab and Western European scholars in the field of literature. This novel is interesting and important in many aspects, one of them being a skillful blend of traditional Arab literary heritage and European Romanticism elements Haykal presented in this novel....

By Azra Kapetanović

Enrolment of students in a madrasa (secondary school founded by the Islamic Community) is traditionally done through entrance examinations. In Bosnia and Herzegovina there are 6 madrasas for which a unique entrance exam is prepared, which consists of tests of Mathematics, the Bosnian language and literature, History and Religious Education. For th...

By Nezir Halilović

Classical Arabic philologists analyzed alif more than any other letter. In their works alif was analyzed in the context of its original function, as a sign for consonant hamza, but also as a long vowel sign, which lead to numerous studies and discussions. Given the fact that most of them focused on the analysis of alif as a sign for consonant hamza...

By Mejra Softić

Journal of University of Zenica