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By Emina Babić

01.12.2011. Review paper Biochemistry

Islamic scholars agree that without knowing the Arabic language and its disciplines it is impossible to completely understand the Qur’an. In that sense they emphasise that valid are those meanings of the Arabic language from the time of the revelation of the Qur’an, since the Arabic language, as every other language, is capable of changes that are ...

By Safvet Halilović

During WWII the German fascists committed genocide against the non-Germanic peoples, especially the Jews. Many innocent people were expelled from their homes, physically and psychologically tortured, and a great number of them were hanged or burned alive. During the aggression on Bosnia and Herzegovina a far more atrocious genocide was committed ag...

By Ismet Dizdarević

This corpus-based study focuses on the nine English central modal verbs (can, could, will, would, may, might, shall, should, and must) across the two chosen genres of the COCA corpus – Spoken and Academic genres, which show the greatest number of differences in terms of genre characteristics, such as formality or intended audience. Because research...

By Edina Rizvić-Eminović, Đelaludina Šukalić

An increasing number of children around the world, including Bosnian children, are being educated in a second language (L2). This L2 learning in primary school settings raises interesting questions about developing L2 vocabulary. Investigating the nature of vocabulary knowledge in these L2 children is important particularly as they face the signifi...

By Larisa Đapo

Ehli-sunni methodology of aquida themes is distinguished by certain characteristics which made this method most proper and closest to the truth. Crucial characteristics are: • Unity of source, • Being founded only on evidence from Qur’an and Sunna, • Avoiding discussion and disputes about religion, • Agreement on aquida questions and, • Central met...

By Zuhdija Adilović

Since humans are essentially social beings a stimulating social environment is crucial for human development. On the other hand, anything that promotes social distance, conflict, or facilitates social disintegration can be treated as a disruptive variable in the context of overall human development. The events the 21st century civilization witnesse...

By Muamer Neimarlija

01.12.2010. Review paper Biochemistry

This paper deals with companions - comrades and contemporaries of Allah’s Prophet, s.a.w.s. The aim of the paper is to draw attention to the importance of knowing companions, both in relation to hadith terminology, and to entire Islamic thought. They were the ones who first believed and carried the burden of Islamic mission in its most difficult ti...

By Esmir Halilović

01.12.2004. Review paper Biochemistry
Versified tarihs on sacral objects of Bosnians

This paper presents interpretative systematization of inscriptions, known as tarih, on sacral objects of Bosnians. This is my humble contribution to the study of traditional literary values and their analysis related to the religious convictions they originate from. Beside thematic classification, we talk about messages and morals of tarihs, their ...

By Muris Bajramović

The goal of this research paper is examining the extent end way of spending free time of lower classes primary students, as well as to define the attitudes of teacher and parents towards students’ free time. This research had been done in Osnovna škola KŠC ¨Sveti Pavao¨ Zenica and Osnovna škola ¨Meša Selimović¨ Zenica in two fourth-grade classes ea...

By Refik Čatić, Ana Pavlović

Journal of University of Zenica