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01.12.2006. Review paper Biochemistry

This paper discusses the genesis of the idea of social isolation and the author considers that mass poverty is the key potential for starting social isolation. The universe of poverty variable does not end only with the beginning of social isolation, but it also has some other implications like social reforms failure, small social capital, and low ...

By Šabani Alisabri

Educational approach known as Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) has become one of the most popular approaches in foreign language teaching, especially in countries with developed educational systems. One of its main aims is to help learners develop thinking skills through their simultaneous studying of the foreign language and the con...

By Aida Tarabar, Vildana Neslanović

01.12.2005. Review paper Biochemistry
Life-long study on sports

The theme of this paper is life-long study on sports. It is a research paper and its aim is to examine if there is statistically important difference in examinees’ attitudes regarding the way sport influences life, the reasons for enrolling the Trainer Academy, expectations, education quality and the ways of permanent improving. Another aim of the ...

By Refik Čatić

The role and significance of honourable companions in spreading Islam is great and significant. That is exactly why they have had a special place for all generations of Muslims. From the very arrival of Islam to this area, Muslims have showed great respect for the most honourable and chosen generation of Muslims. I have supported that relation towa...

By Zuhdija Adilović

The aim of this paper was to examine the quality of the development of ecological awareness through Islamic Education at schools, i.e. based on Islamic Education teachers' stances to determine the extent to which ecology-related content in elementary school textbooks stimulates the development of students' ecological awareness, and to examine the t...

By Nermin Tufekčić

01.12.2021. Review paper Biochemistry
Socijalnopedagoško značenje porodice

The aim of this paper is to point out the meaning that Social Pedagogy assigns to family. The discussion about family led within social sciences is permeated by the discoveries of the systems theory, which places family at the level of a complex system functioning which is nuanced by the action of internal subsystems and external mechanisms of othe...

By Azemina Durmić

Traditionally, lexicography and lexicology are considered to be the most developed disciplines in Arabic linguistics. During pre-Islamic period, Arabs were very concerned the the protection of the original Arabic vocabulary, and in the first centuries of an Islam expansion, the vocabulary of the literary arabic language was collected and compiled...

By Mejra Softić

The paper presents the way in which libraries of religious schools – madrassas operate and whether their work is satisfactory and in accordance with the standards. The results, which were obtained by administering a survey, will be presented and analyzed in detail, along with guidelines and instructions on how to change the current situation and to...

By Ejla Ćurovac


By Mehmed Kico, Samir Beglerović

01.12.2011. Review paper Biochemistry

This paper examines the treatment of copyright under Shari’ah law. In the first part of the paper, occasions and time in which copyright is mentioned are indicated, as well as the first works on copyright in Shari’ah law. Then, the three institutions which apply collective ijtihaad are presented, as well as their attitudes towards the copyright iss...

By Ahmed Purdić

Journal of University of Zenica