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The aim of this paper was to investigate the types of errors occurring in the speech of children before starting school, and in that regard to highlight the educators’ role in stimulating the proper speech development of children in a preschool institution. The study included sixty children from the older kindergarten group at the Public Institutio...

By Aida Teljigović, Amina Pehlić

01.12.2006. Review paper Biochemistry
Through the prism of linguistic sign

This paper shortly presents some observations on a sign in general in order to, through Saussure’s definition of linguistic sign as a synthesis of signifiant and signifié, draw attention to the importance of language, and recognize semiotic nature of some Qur’an ayats. Ideas and aconstic images like the units of linguistic sign are inseparable. The...

By Amina Pehlić

01.12.2018. Review paper Biochemistry

Abstract The paper presents a case study – speech "errors", neologisms were recorded during the longitudinal monitoring of a child's speech, i.e. regular speech and language development from the third to the sixth year of life. The previously published work using the material collected during the same longitudinal monitoring analyzed "errors" in th...

By Amina Pehlić

The aim of this paper was to investigate communication functions in preschool- aged children and based on their description to make the classification. The research was conducted on the basis of a qualitative analysis of audio-visual recordings of children's speech recorded during supervised and free kindergarten activities. A number of earlier st...

By Amina Pehlić, Amina Odobašić, Anela Hasanagić

The aim of this paper was to explore the accent of disyllabic feminine nouns of e-declension with a short ascending accent (type vòda and type žèna) in contemporary Bosnian standard language reference books and the standard language use, given the previously observed tendency towards losing accent alternations in a paradigm. Based on the comparati...

By Amina Pehlić

01.12.2008. Review paper Biochemistry

The aim of this paper is to examine the main accent features of Donji Kamičak dialect and to define their character. The reaearch was done in 2002 and 2005. Dictaphone, notebook, guided and semi-guided conversation were used for collecting data. Based on the analysis, it can be concluded that the Donji Kamičak dialect, according to its primary acc...

By Amina Pehlić

The paper is based on the idea that encouraging proper speech and language development is important for the overall children development. It has been determined that there are numerous methods and activities for encouraging speech and language development that educators can use in their work. The aim of this research was to investigate the educato...

By Aida Teljigović, Amina Pehlić

The purpose of the current paper was to investigate in detail Alija Nametak’s (1906–1987) national orientation expressed in his literary works, and to analyze the circumstances leading to such an orientation as well as its reflection on Nametak’s attitude toward language, particularly with regard to his nomination of language and attitude toward la...

By Amina Pehlić

The aim of this study was to investigate often used non-standard linguistic occurrences in students’ speech, in order to foster language culture. The methods used were methods of observation of situations and methods of linguistic analysis of students’ papers. The sample were students of Islamic Pedagogical Faculty of the University in Zenica who h...

By Amina Pehlić

Journal of University of Zenica