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Review paper


Muamer Neimarlija
Muamer Neimarlija
Contact Muamer Neimarlija

Islamic pedagogical faculty in Zenica,


In order to light up certain micropedagogical relations in this paper, we try to look at education through the prism of the peculiarities of interaction of essential factors of the educational process - educator and educatee. In doing so, the focus of our interest is on the explanation of educator’s obligations arising from the legality of interpersonal interaction. By gaining adequate insight into such demands, the educator is able to trace the path that is necessary to cross in order to avoid the trap of authoritarianism, and gain the necessary authoritativeness of the educational process. By the analysis of the Qur’anic text we come to the conclusion that the source components of educator’s authority are his personality characteristics and his professional competence. By describing prophets as educational authorities, the Holy Qur’an presents personality features that attract every educatee. All these features, grouped in the personal and professional competencies, are, in fact, disposition capacity of educators. From there, the manifestation of dispositional dimensions of the educator’s authority results in a functional educational environment, and the establishment of encouraging climate of interaction and refining interpersonal relationships are recognized as an essential thread of effective educational efforts. Since the education, in general, can be regarded as a sociological phenomenon, our theoretical considerations are, in fact, a prognostic attempt of indications and offering of solutions for primarily social problems.


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