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O gramatičkoj strukturi imenskih somatskih frazema u savremenome turskom jeziku

Edina Solak ,
Edina Solak
Contact Edina Solak

Filozofski fakultet Univerziteta u Zenici,

Mirza Bašić ,
Mirza Bašić

Filozofski fakultet Univerziteta u Zenici,

Selma Čusto
Selma Čusto


The correct comprehension and understanding of the grammatical structure of phrasemes is a complex issue imposed on non-native speakers of theTurkish language who study grammatical structures of modern Turkish language. The aim of this paper is to analyze the grammatical structure of nominal somatic phrasemes in modern Turkish language. The analysis is based on concrete (con)textual examples from literary works written in Turkish. The analysis also covers the semantically similar syntactic structures in the Bosnian language. Such an analysis should contribute to easier and better comprehension and understanding of the grammatical structure of the Turkish language. Furthermore, the results obtained from the analysis should contribute to phraseological research and contrastive analysis of Turkish and Bosnian language.


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