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Review paper

A comparative analysis of the educational values of sevdalinka and turbo-folk music

Kristina Prkić-Palavra ,
Kristina Prkić-Palavra
Contact Kristina Prkić-Palavra

Osnovna škola Eenstock, Hamburg – Njemačka,

Izet Pehlić
Izet Pehlić

Islamic pedagogical faculty in Zenica,


Insights into relevant scientific theoretical sources have indicated the existence of educational values of musical content, since it evokes emotions, and various emotions stimulate different thoughts, reactions and behavior. Furthermore, it has been concluded that music education presents an important part of overall esthetic and artistic education, and it impacts the overall affective, social, cognitive and psychomotor development of a person. The aim of this paper was to find out through a comparative analysis whether there is a difference in the educational values promoted by sevdalinka and turbo folk music. We assumed that young people listen more to turbo-folk music, and older to sevdalinka, and that sevdalinka promotes and turbo folk does not promote educational values. We used a method of theoretical analysis and a descriptive-analytical survey method, while we collected data using a survey. A Questionnaire on general data and a Questionnaire on the values of sevdalinka and turbo-folk music were used as the instruments. The research sample comprised 200 participants: 50 high school students from Sarajevo and Zenica-Doboj Canton, 50 university students from Sarajevo and Zenica-Doboj Canton, 50 people aged 35 to 60 years, and 50 people older than 60. The results showed that younger people listen to turbo-folk music more, while older people listen to sevdalinka more, and that sevdalinka promotes educational values and turbo-folk does not. Moreover, the findings indicated that the greatest number of the participants consider that the musical quality of sevdalinka is significant, that their lyrics are educational, and that they promote educational values, that their content is meaningful and of great quality, that sevdalinka affects feelings and behavior positively, while listening to it improves one’s mood. Keywords: sevdalinka, turbo-folk, educational values, music education, musical quality.


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