Intellect occupies a very important place in Islam. Not one of the past revelations directs our attention to intellect, its role and significance in the life of man, as does the Book of Islam. A superficial glance at a Qur’anic text will reveal verses that end with the words: “… so that you would understand.” “…so that you would think.” “…to those who understand”, and which are repeated dozens of times.
Despite this, certain sects have appeared and disagreements emerged. Some extolled the intellect and assigned to it a higher place than it deserved. Contrary to this view, others completely neglected the intellect and denied its value.
The first generations of Muslims and their honourable followers remained steadfast and held firmly to the Truth, which was the reason for the flourishing of Islamic civilisation and all scientific fields: medicine, philosophy, mathematics, astronomy, geography, etc.
Neo-rationalist had negatively influenced Islamic thought and their ideas caused a negative attitude towards the classical commentaries of the Qur’an, the authenticity of the second source of Islam – hadith, certain fiqh regulations and the status of women in Islamic society.
All the modernists are not alike. There are those among them whose intentions are genuine and who are trying to offer their opinions, but they have remained faithful to Western ideas which they had adopted during their studies in the West, or they had fallen under the influence under mu’tezilizm (school of rationalism).
En-Nasir. Muhammed Hamid: El-Asranijjune bejne mezaimi-t-tedždid ve mejadini-t-tagrib.
Sultan D, Sekafetu-d-dirar D l wetan.
Rida. Muhammed Rešid: Tefsiru-l-menar.
Rida MR, el-imam T l ustazi, Matbatu-l-menar.
Husejn MM, ve-l-hadaretu-l-garbijje EI.
Medželletu-l-menar K.
Kemal J, mu’teziletu-l-jevm EA, Daru-l-wefa.
Kejlani. Ismail: Faslu-d-din ani-d-devle.
Huvejdi F. El-Muvatinune la zimmijjun.
Ez-Zunejdi A b. Zejd: El-Asranijjetu fi hajatina el-idžtima’ijjeti.
Es-Sehavi M b. Abdurrahman: El-Mekasidu-l-hasene.
Er-Rumi. Fahd b. Abdurrahman: Menhedžu-l-medreseti-l-aklijje fi-t-tefsir, Mues-sesetu-r-risale, 1414.
Er-Rumi. Fahd b. Abdurrahman: Ittidžahatu-t-tefsir fi-l-karni-r-rabi’ ašere.
El-Mubarekfuri MA r R, Tuhfetu-l-ahvezi D l fikr.
El-Kušejri M b. Hadždžadž: Sahih Muslim, Daru ihjai-t-turas el-arabi, 1374 h.
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