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Vol 2, No 1 (2004)

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Authors in this issue:

Amel Alić, Bilal Hasanović, Dževdeta Ajanović, Edina Vejo, Hazema Ništović, Ismet Dizdarević, Izet Pehlić, Mehmed Kico, Mejra Softić, Mensur Valjevac, Muhamed Pašanbegović, Nusret Isanović, Safvet Halilović, Šefik Kurdić, Šukrija Ramić, Zuhdija Adilović,

Published: 15.12.2004.


01.12.2003. Review paper
The reasons for the revelaion of the Qur’an (understanding and the possibility of using it for educational purposes)

The question of the reason for the revelation of the Qur’an (ashab nuzul al-Qur’an) falls into exceptionally important questions in the science of tafseer, considering that the understanding of the reason for the revelation is an important condition for the proper understanding of the Qur’an. Moreover, there are Qur’anic texts which cannot be under...


01.12.2003. Review paper
Sayyid Jamalluddin Al-Afghani 1254 1314/1838 1897) A forerunner in the interpretation of the Qur’an in the 14th century according to hijra /20th century

Although Sayyid Jamaluddin al-Afghani (1254 1314/1838 1897) hadn’t written his own tafseer, with his works and association with others he had greatly influenced the mufassirs, whose interpretation of the Qur’an had, in many ways, marked the 14th according to hijra / 20th century. Namely, those mufassir, in the first place, include Shaikh Muhammad A...


01.12.2003. Review paper
Mus’ab b. ‘Umejr, r.a. – the first ambassador of da’wa in islam

Mus’ab b. ‘Umejr, r.a. was one of the most diligent students of Allah’s Prophet, Muhammed s.a.w.s. He embraced Islam in his early years and wove into it all of his physical and spiritual strength. Even though his parents had mistreated him because of his devotion to Islam, by depriving him of food, drink and clothing, he remained steadfast on his p...


01.12.2003. Review paper
The second general sharia – legal principle: there is no inflicting of harm or repaying one by inflicting harm (Lā darere ve lā dirār)

This paper sheds some light on one of the five general principles in sharia: “There is no inflicting of harm or repaying one by inflicting harm”, and the subordinate principles which are subsumed under it. The origin, the point of reference and the meaning of this principle is explained at the beginning with a special mention of the hadith with the...


01.12.2003. Review paper
Neo-racionalistic direction in islamic world and its influence on islamic thought in bosnia and the rest of the world

Intellect occupies a very important place in Islam. Not one of the past revelations directs our attention to intellect, its role and significance in the life of man, as does the Book of Islam. A superficial glance at a Qur’anic text will reveal verses that end with the words: “… so that you would understand.” “…so that you would think.” “…to those ...


01.12.2003. Review paper
The great mosque in Damascus – a work of symbiosis of islam and the culture of the orient

The emergence of Islamic art as a cultural and historical reality of Islam is linked to the Ummayads. The crowning work of Islamic culture of the Ummayad Period is one of the most interesting works of Islamic architecture in general - the Great Mosque in Damascus. This work marks the coming out of Islamic art from the phase of vacillation and a wav...


01.12.2003. Review paper
The lingusitic achievement of professor dr. Teufik Muftic (1918-2003)

The passing of Dr. Teufik Muftic is an irretrievable loss, considering that he was the author of very valuable scholarly works in the field of study and understanding of Arabic. His prolific scholarly works are important for many fields, especially in the field of textbooks for the study of Arabic, writing of research works in Arabic and the gramma...


01.12.2003. Review paper
The first islamic educational survey (1910-1911)

The Islamic educational poll (expert board) had the task of studying and offering solutions to a number of religious-educational and general educational questions in the field of elementary education, of which some had been ‘inviolable’ for centuries – such as secular education of female Muslim children, considering that strong opposition from pare...


01.12.2003. Review paper
Verbal values of arabic deverbal nouns

The possibility to be realized verbal functions using some defined verbal nouns is considered to be specific morphological and sintax appearance in arabic language. All deverbal nouns – infinitives, participles, adjectives and noun of preeminence – have, in some different degree, functions like that. The participles are separated as nouns by the mo...


01.12.2003. Review paper
The attitude of ‘Bosniaks’ towards oriental linguistic tradition

In one historical period the Bosniaks linked their literacy to oriental languages, especially Arabic, which they didn’t experience as something that was imposed upon them, but embraced it as the language of Islam and endeavoured to learn Arabic along with the native Bosnian language. Under conditions of strong oriental tradition, the Bosnian langua...


01.12.2003. Review paper
Major periods of borrowing words from other languages in the history of english

This paper presents a short overview of the history of the English language and its expansion through borrowing of words from other languages. The borrowed words are referred to as ‘loanwords’. Unlike any other language, English vocabulary consists of 70% ‘loan words’. The history of English and thus ‘borrowing’ is divided into four periods: Old E...


01.12.2003. Review paper
The feeling of guilt and remorse among those who planned and committed genocide

During WWII the German fascists committed genocide against the non-Germanic peoples, especially the Jews. Many innocent people were expelled from their homes, physically and psychologically tortured, and a great number of them were hanged or burned alive. During the aggression on Bosnia and Herzegovina a far more atrocious genocide was committed ag...


01.12.2003. Review paper
Our school on the threshold of change

Our educational system has broken away from the socialist doctrine of upbringing, but it hasn’t been consistent in adoption of new ideas, nor has it integrated itself, in an organised manner into the European developments, which are geared towards learning for the 21st century. The dominant dimension of social development is global education as a g...


01.12.2003. Review paper
Expanted understanding of method in islamic education

The text discuses the notion of method in Islamic education.It offers broader understanding of the method based on the existence of implicational relation between decisions regarding method and content in the education. Scientific intervention in the area of content is represented through two complemental approaches. The first is from the position ...


01.12.2003. Review paper
The significance of social preception in the building of interpersonal relations in the community

The familiarity with the problem of social perception ought to be an integral part of individual work with every individual – without which one cannot except success on the level of an individual who is confronting his/her own self, raising the level of correction, learning from earlier experiences or correcting false beliefs. The ability of adequa...


01.12.2003. Review paper
Terminological obscurity in the field of planning and preparation of the educational process

This work analyses the basic concepts in the field of planning and the development of an educational program. The term curriculum has been avoided in our educational public, or it had multiple interpretations that were not only characteristic for our pedagogical theory and practice but also for a significant number of other countries. Its numerous...


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