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The attitude of ‘Bosniaks’ towards oriental linguistic tradition

Hazema Ništović
Hazema Ništović


In one historical period the Bosniaks linked their literacy to oriental languages, especially Arabic, which they didn’t experience as something that was imposed upon them, but embraced it as the language of Islam and endeavoured to learn Arabic along with the native Bosnian language. Under conditions of strong oriental tradition, the Bosnian language gained special importance, for with it the Bosniaks were confirming their Slavic affiliation. In such a way, a ‘Bosniaks’ had assumed a particular attitude towards oriental tradition and within the framework of this tradition a special place was occupied by translation of religious books into Bosnian. In this way, the Bosniaks were creating a stronger bond with their ethnic-linguistic roots. Many Bosniaks who had received their traditional education in great Islamic centres, acquainted themselves with the rich cultural Islamic world, so that they had a difficult time accepting the fact that the Bosnian language should be given precedence with respect to oriental languages. The ‘Bosniak’ criticises their ineptness and their inclination towards distancing themselves from their own destiny. This ignorance of oneself and one’s own historical being is presented within the ‘Bosniak’ as a destiny of a people. Despite different kinds of pressure from the Austro-Hungarian administration, this period of Bosniak history is marked by stronger attachment of the Bosniaks towards their Bosnian cultural tradition.


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