The aim of this study was to determine if there was a statistically significant difference in the effects of Step by step and the classical primary-school programs. The methods used ar thee method of theoretical analysis and the descriptive-analytical survey, and the instruments used are a questionnaire about general information, and self-efficiency questionnaire, and the quality of children's friendships questionnaire. The research sample consisted of 118 primary school students from "Mesa Selimovic" school in Zenica.
Comparative analysis of multiple research variables has shown that there is no statistically significant difference in the effects of Step by step and classical primary-school programs. Statistically significant difference was found in only two variables: 1. relationship with parents (students who follow the step by step program have significantly better relationship with their parents than the students who follow the classical programs), 2. academic self-efficiency (students who attend classical program classes showed better results on the scale of academic self-efficiency than the students following the step by step program).
Key words: step by step program, classical primary-school program, self-efficiency, quality of friendships, school results
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