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Methods in logodidactics

Hazema Ništović


We learn how to speak as we learn anything else in our life. The possibility of occurrence of speech deformities that are difficult to correct is decreased when the development of speech is planned and done systemically. Even in preletter phase of study children should be trained to communicate fluently, correctly and nicely. Basic speech components of such communication are: -voice suprasugmentals (sonority, voicelessness, pitch, height, timbre, volume) - diction (articulation, accentuation, breathing, rhythm, tempo and pause) - intonation (movement and duration of tone, pitch and volume, speech force, pitch and accent of speech). Phonation is very important for correct and accurate pronunciation of a sound and its suprasegmentals. Every speech should have a purpose because without any purpose it would be inefficient. In order to achieve al that it is necessary to apply different methods when working with children (speech games, speech exercises and speech creativity).


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