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Review paper

Abu Huraira r.a. – the greatest transferor of hadith

Šefik Kurdić
Šefik Kurdić
Contact Šefik Kurdić

Islamic pedagogical faculty in Zenica,


From the aforementioned it can be concluded that Abu Hurajrah r.a. with his spiritual, physical and intellectual characteristics, really deserves the epithet of one of the most famous and most recognized friends of Allah’s Prophet, p.b.u.h. The facts presented in this paper deny, in the best way, statement made by Abu Rayya and some other orientalists on unknown origin of Abu Hurajrah r.a. as well as on some other falsifications that they present in their works. Abu Hurajrah r.a. has unquestionably deserved a compliment of the biggest conveyor of the second source of Shari'a law, by teaching Hadeth over 47 years after Mohammad, p.b.u.h., death. Attacks on the personality of this great man in Islam and reflections that those attacks had on hadīth and hadīth science will be discussed next time, as his contribution to hadīth science and Islam in general has to be illuminated through a precise analysis. This time let us be pleased with illuminating some of events from his life and with highlighting some of his features which will definitely help us to put him on the place he really deserves!


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