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Review paper

The foremost huffaz at the time of the Prophet, s.a.v.s.

Halil Mehtić
Halil Mehtić
Contact Halil Mehtić

Islamic pedagogical faculty in Zenica,


Qur’an is Allah’s last Book of Revelation passed through an angel named Jibril to Muhammed s.a.v.s. and to all humanity. Out of the Qur’anic text and the Prophet’s s.a.v.s words we can understand that Allah, the Sublime, guaranteed its preservation. Learning the Qur’an by heart (hifz) is one of the ways of preserving the Qur’an. The first hafiz was the Prophet s.a.v.s. himself and he encouraged ashabs to memorize the Qur’an. Many of the ashabs followed his lead. Bearing in mind the Messenger’s s.a.v.s. praise for a huffaz Muslims keep this practice alive to the present day. Islamic scholars have a difference of opinion over the number of ashabs who knew Allah’s Book of Revelation by heart in His Messenger’s lifetime. We decided on the seven ashabs mentioned by Imam Bukhari in his authentic Hadith collection (Sahih) and based on three different chains of transmission Their names are: ‘Abdullah bin Mes’ud, Salim mevla Ebu Huzejfe, Mu’az bin Jebel, Ubej bin K’ab, Zejd bin Sabit, Ebu Zejd and Ebud-Derda’. In this paper we represented them right in this order bringing out some of the most interesting details from their lives we found available.


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