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Review paper

Religious pedagogical conceptualization of the qur'anic description of slander

Muamer Neimarlija
Muamer Neimarlija
Contact Muamer Neimarlija

Islamic pedagogical faculty in Zenica,


From the perspective of Islamic theological thought, every sin, in addition to otherworldly consequences, produces some damage in this world. Sins the effect of which is limited to an individual have the potential to affect negatively one’s spiritual and physical constitution, while sins in the sphere of interpersonal relationships destroy the social fabric. Considering the consequences for the vitality of social structures, a particularly destructive sin is the sin of slander. In the theological sources of Islam, the most well-known case of slander is the Hadisetu-l-Ifk or the slander against Aisha, RA. The honorable Qur'an and hadith sources give a detailed description of this event. Based on the Qur'anic and hadith sources, this paper aims at conceptualizing categories and processes essential for the revitalization of interpersonal relationships after the state of disturbed social dynamics due to slander. In addition to the aforementioned sources, the aim was achieved by relevant insights into certain disciplinary areas of contemporary science. A discourse analysis and case study methods were applied in the paper (Popadić, Pavlović & Žeželj, 2018) as well as the methodological approach of combining traditional and rational interpretation, as the best approach for analyzing the Holy Qur'an (Halilović, 2015). The obtained results contribute to the revitalization and development of healthy interpersonal relationships and positive dynamics of interpersonal relationships. Keywords: Qur'an, family, interpersonal relations, social ties, forgiveness, religious pedagogy


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