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Review paper


Nusret Isanović
Nusret Isanović
Contact Nusret Isanović

Univerzitet u Sarajevu, Fakultet islamskih nauka,


No matter how insufficient it is to fully respect and accept others in accordance with one’s own system of references, tolerance is seen as a universal norm for existence and one of the main modes of human sociability. It is not the product of only one culture or a characteristic of only one, such as modern, epoch. Tolerance presents, mutatis mutandis, an important component of the spiritual and socio-cultural tissue of all developed nations with histories of their own. The idea of tolerance draws its roots from the ancient cultures. It has been modeled by the intuition of the Holy and the spirit of metaphysics while being permeated by their primordial religious meaning. This paper develops a discourse on tolerance as a perennial ideal, a universal norm and a relationship of fundamental importance to human existence. Tolerance is seen here as a key possibility and duty, a condition for as well as a form of the survival of contemporary people and their world.


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