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Review paper


Delila Ramić
Delila Ramić
Contact Delila Ramić

Faculty of Philosophy in Sarajevo,


Speech is the primary mean of communication and through it man establishes social relationships with other people. In the preschool period, children develop speech rapidly, but it is necessary to provide adequate incentives for its development. This paper points to the importance of preschool attendance, because it is one of the factors affecting children's speech development. In preschool institutions children enter into communication with other children and adults, and there acquire vast experience thanks to the stimulating environment in which they live and play. Encouraging the speech development is planned on annual, monthly, weekly and daily bases, and the contents are tailored to different abilities, interests and needs of children. Young children's staying in preschool institutions may adversely affect their speech development, but that, with care and effort, can be prevented. Keywords: development of speech and communication, influencing factors, preschool institution, planning of educational work


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