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Review paper

Analyses and understandings of syntactic same-root forms in arabic linguistics

Mithat Jugo
Mithat Jugo
Contact Mithat Jugo

Islamic pedagogical faculty in Zenica,


Repetition of the same lexical root in two or more words related to the syntactic level is the linguistic phenomenon known in oral and written Arabic language expression. The paper presents the nature of research of this phenomenon in the classical and modern Arabic linguistic thought. The research shows that the classics touched upon same-root syntactic forms in the following sections: derivation, the absolute object, syntactic binding of attributes and nouns, and in certain stylistic figures, although this phenomenon has not been a primary objective of their research. The same-root syntactic structures get their clear definition of terminology in the research of commentators of the Qur'an and in modern Arabic linguistics, and their research is placed in clear linguistic frameworks. The paper points out the most important studies that have dealt with this phenomenon, as well as a number of linguistic features of this phenomenon, such as: cohesion and coherence of the text, argumentative function of structures, and an important semantic function. Keywords: same-root forms, repetition, grammar, derivation, an absolute object, figures of speech, commentators of the Qur'an, Arabic linguistics


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