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Review paper


Naida Tursić


Unemployment is one of great problems of modern society, especially in transition countries. This problem usually affects persons younger than 15-30 years, which is why it is necessary to create adequate employment policy. This paper presents a qualitative study which aimed at gaining an insight into types of support the Country offers to young unemployed persons, ways they respond to what is offered to them, and propositions for improvement of support for the unemployed. The study includes an expert interview with the coordinator of the Centre for informing, counselling and training of the Zenica-Doboj Canton. Qualitative data analysis was used. The results show that the Country tries to help the youth with various projects and employment strategies, that young unemployed persons are mainly passive in job search, and recommendations for improvement of the current situation are also presented. Another problem is a lack of money and passive attitude towards job search of young people that have unemployment benefits. Keywords: qualitative study, young unemployed people, active job search, public support system


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