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Experiments on inclusive education

Amel Alić


Inclusion as a relatively new concept and a way of consideration in the organization of a modern teaching system and school arose out of a necessity to eliminate every type of segregation among students. According to some leading theoreticians of this field, inclusive education is the way to enable students with special needs to incorporate into regular classes and heterogeneous classes together with other age-mates. To turn this idea into reality it is necessary to do a series of complex actions, not only in school but also on a broader social scene including changes in attitudes and convictions of the people directly involved into the process of implementation of inclusion. Although the idea of inclusive education is mostly understood as a concept which aims to incorporate children with special needs (in terms of different psycho – physical deficits) into regular classes, available theoretical considerations and practice often attribute to inclusive education an ambition of observing every child as a child with “special needs”. That would mean that in the process of inclusion we should care for talented children the same way we care for all other chategories of children who are stigmatized or marginalized. However, in this paper, inclusive education is analyzed mainly in the context of a new attitude towards children with certain difficulties with learning and behaving. If the respect for the different, the care for the helpless and the deprived, the imperative of eliminating every form of segregation are the values of multiculturalism, and if they are present in religious sources, then we cannot but ask ourselves the following question: are all numerous resolutions and charters about human rights respect just an acknowledgement of a modern man’s lack of power to overcome the despised characteristics and a peculiar “copying” of religiously universal messages to the humanity? Does not a separated context of affirmation of the rights of persons with special needs speak for itself to which extent a modern man alienated from the original understanding of being human? And a man should be raised for that human quality and he should also be taught about it. Key-words: Segregation, persons with special needs, inclusive education


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